
SchemaSpy Analysis of cndr

Generated on Thu Apr 06 13:58 UTC 2023

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 103
Anomalies 14
Routines 0

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 12.14 (Ubuntu 12.14-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)

Schema public

standard public schema


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
lkp_lithic_core_cortex_type 1 0 2 8 Table
tbl_missedcontexts 0 0 4 68 Table
lkp_lithic_core_procent_cortext_remaining 1 0 2 4 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_utilised_edge_use_gloss 2 0 2 9 Table
lkp_lithic_colour 5 0 2 10 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_condition 2 0 2 2 Table
tbl_photo_context 0 0 5 835 Table
tbl_monfungal 0 2 4 128 Table
lkp_period 0 0 1 8 Table
tbl_section_context 0 0 4 0 Table
lkp_lithic_survival 10 0 3 6 Table
lkp_lithic_type 1 0 3 48 Table
lkp_categorytype 1 0 2 36 Table
lkp_cpr 2 0 6 115 Table
lkp_woodspecies 0 0 2 21 Table
tbl_knapping_groups 1 0 3 126 Table
tbl_strat_relationship 0 3 4 16309 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_platform_type 1 0 2 5 Table
tbl_woodindex 1 0 26 1515 Table
tbl_bulkfinds 0 1 9 44 Table
tbl_finds 0 1 19 247 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_position 2 0 2 18 Table
tbl_woodphotos 0 0 5 2839 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_core_trimming_dorsal_face_morphology 2 0 2 7 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_platform_preparation 1 0 2 5 Table
tbl_sampletracking 0 0 114 821 Table
lkp_lithic_core_scar_orientation 3 0 2 13 Table
tbl_sections 0 0 7 0 Table
lkp_relationshiptype 0 0 3 10 Table
tbl_digi_context 0 0 4 3140 Table
lkp_lithic_core_platform 3 0 2 7 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_crested_blades_sub_classification 1 0 2 3 Table
tbl_cpr_contam 0 0 4 701 Table
tbl_insects_summary_assessment 1 0 8 39 Table
lkp_lithic_core_extent_platform_area 2 0 2 4 Table
tbl_monolith 2 3 10 206 Table
tbl_insects_assessment 0 1 4 837 Table
tbl_woodindex_old 0 0 23 1517 Table
lkp_otherremainsfreq 0 0 2 3 Table
tbl_users_audit 0 1 16 143 Table
lkp_lithic_classification 14 0 3 64 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_sub_classification 2 0 2 4 Table
tbl_lithic_analysis_core_stages 0 5 14 1173 Table
lkp_enviro_other 0 0 2 17 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_dorsal_scar_direction 2 0 2 6 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_bulb_type 1 0 2 3 Table
lkp_lithic_core_platform_preparation 2 0 2 5 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_invasive_retouch 2 0 2 5 Table
tbl_specialist_data 0 0 6 13 Table
tbl_wpr_matrix 0 0 4 613 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_shape_of_short_oblique_edge 2 0 2 2 Table
tbl_monspec 0 2 4 2266 Table
lkp_lithic_core_platform_features 2 0 2 3 Table
lkp_pollen 3 0 4 121 Table
tbl_lithic_analysis_core 0 13 23 827 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_unmodified_type 2 0 2 8 Table
lkp_context_period 1 0 2 14 Table
lkp_context_phase 1 0 2 5 Table
tbl_contexts 7 5 20 6779 Table
tbl_pollen 0 1 4 0 Table
tbl_wpr_species 0 0 3 559 Table
tbl_contexts_bkup 0 1 19 601 Table
lkp_lithic_analysis_tables 1 0 2 3 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_type 2 0 2 8 Table
lkp_material 0 0 2 10 Table
tbl_sitesubdiv_ranges 0 1 3 15 Table
tbl_photoindex 0 0 9 222 Table
tbl_radiocarbon 2 0 19 182 Table
tbl_samplecontexts 0 0 13 3137 Table
lkp_contexttype 1 0 2 5 Table
tbl_cpr_matrix 0 2 4 41 Table
tbl_filmindex 0 0 4 71 Table
tbl_lithic_audit 0 5 27 166122 Table
tbl_lithic_analysis_retouched 0 14 20 2465 Table
tbl_context_entity 0 2 3 4561 Table
tbl_relationships 0 3 5 9916 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_microlith_retouch_position 2 0 2 35 Table
lkp_lithic_core_flake_blade_scar_patterning 0 0 2 5 Table
tbl_entities 2 1 4 51 Table
tbl_pot 0 1 14 0 Table
msysconf 0 0 4 3 Table

Possibly needed to optimise Microsoft Access front-end connection

lkp_pollenrecovery 1 0 2 3 Table
tbl_wetsievesamples 0 0 41 3146 Table
lkp_lithic_raw_material 12 0 3 44 Table
tbl_environmental 6 0 52 1615 Table
tbl_plan_context 0 0 4 5517 Table
tbl_wood_dendro 0 1 8 46 Table
lkp_contamination 0 0 2 4 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_sub_classification 2 0 2 6 Table
tbl_digiphoto 0 0 10 10058 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_cross_section 2 0 2 3 Table
lkp_fungal 1 0 2 121 Table
lkp_lithic_core_pebble_flint_original_pebble_size 2 0 2 4 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_reduction 2 0 2 3 Table
tbl_photos_audit 0 2 9 5921 Table
lkp_lithic_core_shape 2 0 2 12 Table
tbl_lithic 4 8 24 69975 Table
lkp_finds_class 0 0 2 46 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_core_trimming_sub_classifications 1 0 2 2 Table
tbl_wpr_species_b 0 2 5 656 Table
tbl_smallfinds 0 0 26 10627 Table
lkp_lithic_sub_type 1 0 3 7 Table
lkp_stratreltype 1 0 2 3 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_termination_type 1 0 2 9 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_area_description 2 0 2 8 Table
tbl_lithic_analysis 4 2 11 25009 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_fragmentation 2 0 2 6 Table
lkp_waterlogged 1 0 5 135 Table
spatial_ref_sys 2 0 5 3911 Table
lkp_lithic_retouched_shape_in_plan 2 0 2 3 Table
tbl_lithic_lithic_entity 0 2 3 53329 Table
tbl_users 3 0 12 56 Table
tbl_lithic_entities 2 1 4 76 Table
tbl_lithic_analysis_debitage 0 14 24 21429 Table
lkp_wpr_matrix 1 0 3 59 Table
lkp_lithic_debitage_features 2 0 2 6 Table
lkp_lithic_core_discard_features 2 0 2 8 Table
lkp_insect_species 1 0 8 255 Table
tbl_charcoal 0 1 3 613 Table
lkp_lithic_core_flaked_pebbles_reason_discard 1 0 2 6 Table
lkp_cpr_matrix 1 0 2 5 Table
lkp_user_type 0 0 3 4 Table
tbl_cpr 0 1 4 245 Table
lkp_lithic_core_bipolar_working_stage 2 0 2 2 Table
tbl_photos 0 1 5 5000 Table
tbl_enviro_other 0 0 4 788 Table
lkp_charcoal 2 0 4 26 Table
tbl_charcoal_b 0 2 8 244 Table
lkp_sitesubdiv 2 0 3 17 Table
lkp_mirrortypes 0 0 3 13 Table
tbl_cpr_b 0 2 5 174 Table
tbl_plans 0 0 7 1677 Table
tbl_insects_analysis 0 1 4 1296 Table
lkp_physicalreltype 1 0 2 2 Table
lkp_materialcategory 0 0 1 5 Table
tbl_parcel27samples 0 0 7 43 Table
tbl_fungal 0 0 3 0 Table
lkp_lithic_category 17 0 3 8 Table
tbl_wpr_matrix_b 0 2 4 659 Table
alluvium_totals 0 0 4 0 View
natural_info 0 0 13 0 View
view_insect_species_entity 0 0 3 0 View
view_pollen_entity 0 0 3 0 View
users_log_deleted 0 0 18 0 View
lithic_log 0 4 27 0 View
photos_audit 0 0 11 0 View
lithic_pieces_grd_sq 0 3 8 0 View
fbd_totals 0 0 4 0 View
view_radiocarbon_entity 0 1 2 0 View
lithic_blades_flakes 0 0 3 0 View
users_deleted 0 0 2 0 View
lithic_audit 0 4 29 0 View
photos_deleted 0 0 2 0 View
photos_log 0 1 9 0 View
lithic_analysis_core 0 11 48 0 View
view_charcoal_entity 0 0 5 0 View
monolith_report 0 0 15 0 View
cpr_report 0 0 14 0 View
view_lithics_context_entity 0 0 4 0 View
view_wood_entity 0 0 2 0 View
upper_bwc 0 0 13 0 View
wood_report 0 0 27 0 View
Wood_Species_Identified_LNOD 0 0 27 0 View
lkp_contexts_context 0 0 1 0 View
photos_log_deleted 0 0 11 0 View
view_finds_entity 0 0 2 0 View
knapping_groups 0 1 9 0 View
lithic_deleted 0 0 2 0 View
context_fill_of 0 1 12 0 View
view_wpr_entity 0 0 7 0 View
lithic_log_deleted 0 4 29 0 View
users 0 0 14 0 View
lithic_analysis_retouched 0 15 43 0 View
mbwc_totals 0 0 4 0 View
natural_totals 0 0 4 0 View
lithic_log_light 0 4 25 0 View
lkp_contexts_site_code 0 0 1 0 View
charcoal_report 0 0 15 0 View
geography_columns 0 1 7 0 View
ubwc_totals 0 0 4 0 View
view_fungi_entity 0 0 3 0 View
view_monolith_entity 0 0 3 0 View
colluvium_totals 0 0 4 0 View
finds 0 0 22 0 View
stats 0 0 5 0 View
lkp_environmental_sample_type 0 0 1 0 View
lithic_entity_log 0 4 28 0 View
fungi_report 0 0 12 0 View
fbd_info 0 0 13 0 View
lithic_analysis 0 1 17 0 View
Wood_Species_Identified 0 0 27 0 View
geometry_columns 0 1 7 0 View
lithic_analysis_debitage 0 11 48 0 View
wpr_report 0 0 13 0 View
alluvium_info 0 0 13 0 View
middle_bwc 0 0 13 0 View
wood_table_with_entities 0 0 27 0 View
insect_species_report 0 0 14 0 View
lithic_entity_entity 0 4 24 0 View
view_cpr_entity 0 0 6 0 View
users_audit 0 0 18 0 View
Radiocarbon Query 0 0 15 0 View
lkp_contexts_group 0 0 1 0 View
radiocarbon 0 1 21 0 View
Wood_Species_Identified_ENOD 0 0 27 0 View
view_context_entity 0 0 2 0 View
pollen_report 0 1 14 0 View
Wood_Species_Identified_MOD 0 0 27 0 View
lkp_lithic_context 0 0 1 0 View
wood_dendro 0 0 13 0 View
qry_report_wpr_species 0 0 4 0 View
view_contexts 0 1 20 0 View
colluvium_info 0 0 13 0 View
view_dendro_entity 0 0 2 0 View